產品簡介:?自動化桁架機械手,高性價比自動化生產線,為您提供成套自動化解決方案,提高生產效率,縮短產品生產周期,為產品搶占市場提供了時間保證;使產品質量達標和規格統一,符合現代社會標準化生產模式,具有良好的發展前景;減少勞動力的消耗,從而幫助企業降低生產成本,提高企業的經濟效益。 The automated truss manipulator and cost-effective automated production line provide you with complete automation solutions, improve production efficiency, shorten product production cycles, and provide time guarantee for products to seize the market; Ensure that product quality meets standards and specifications are unified, in line with modern standardized production models, and have good development prospects; Reduce labor consumption, thereby helping enterprises reduce production costs and improve economic efficiency.
Product Overview:
The automated truss manipulator and cost-effective automated production line provide you with a complete set of automation solutions to improve production efficiency and shorten product production cycles. The robot clamps the workpiece directly to the CNC lathe chuck for feeding, and the clamping unit is simple. According to the workpiece positioning requirements, multi axis control with 2-6 or more axes can be selected, with a wide selection range and high cost-effectiveness. It can produce efficiently 24 hours a day, providing time guarantee for products to seize the market. Ensure that product quality meets standards and specifications are unified, in line with modern standardized production models, reduce labor consumption and use, thereby helping enterprises reduce production costs and improve economic efficiency.
Product features:
Cost savings:
According to the production rhythm of the workpiece, the CNC equipment, robot control system, and loading and unloading tray are automatically integrated. A truss robot can control a single or multiple CNC lathes, reducing the cost of using a single robot.
Accurate positioning:
Each axis operates independently, without accumulated errors from multiple axes. It has fast operation speed, long service life, high repeated positioning accuracy, and more accurate clamping positioning than multi joint robots. It has higher cost-effectiveness than six joint robots and is more suitable for automated supporting processing in large and small factories.
Not limited by machine size:
Not limited by the size of the machine tool, combined with the design of the loading and unloading tray, the entire production line is completed.
Not limited by the size of the machine tool, combined with the design of the loading and unloading tray, the entire production line is completed.
Support customization:
The professional technical team is customer-oriented, participating in the design and planning of processing processes, and developing cost-effective automation solutions.
Product parameters:
X相行程: 2200mm 主鋼梁厚度:10mm
X-phase stroke: 2200mm Main steel beam thickness: 10mm
Z相行程:1000mm 桁架限高度:3400mm
Z-phase stroke: 1000mm Truss height limit: 3400mm
Y相行程:700mm 底座寬度:900mm
Y-phase stroke: 700mm Base width: 900mm
主鋼梁長度:2500mm 料倉長度:640mm
Main steel beam length: 2500mm Silo length: 640mm
主鋼梁規格: 100/200mm 料倉寬度:900mm
Main steel beam specification: 100/200mm Silo width: 900mm